- Helps in breakdown of NSP’s thereby increasing bio-availability/digestion.
- Better digestibility of feed ingredients by better feed conversion.
- Increases egg product ion and hatchability in layers.
- Egg quality is also maintained. More cleanly eggs and with thick shell is maintained.
- Improves flock uniformity leading to more consistent sized birds.
- Enhances the feed intake and efficiency, growth rate and productivity.
- Enzymes in the feed industry have mostly been used for poultry to neutralize the effects of the viscous, non-starch polysaccharides in cereals such as barley, wheat, rye, and triticale.
- These antinutritive carbohydrates are undesirable, as they reduce digestion and absorption of all nutrients in the diet, especially fat and protein. Recently, considerable interest has been shown in the use of phytase as a feed additive, as it not only increases the availability of phosphate in plants but also reduces environmental pollution.
- Several other enzyme products are currently being evaluated in the feed industry, including protease to enhance protein digestion, lipases to enhance lipid digestion, isgalactosidases to neutralize certain anti-nutritive factors in non-cereal feedstuffs, and amylase to assist in the digestion of starch in early-weaned animals.
- There have been many studies and reports that nutritional and economical value of corn and soyabean meal and other commonly used diets in Poultry can be highly improved by addition of Phytase, carbohydrase and other enzyme activities.